河北省丰宁满族自治县针对该县实现普及九年义务教育后,人民群众对普及高中阶段教育日益增长的需求,缓解初中升学压力,创造全面推进素质教育的良好环境,抓住机遇创办综合高中,走职普教育一体化发展之路。 一是以办学体制改革为突破口,在原初中学生毕业分流的基础上,让一
Fengning Manchu Autonomous County of Hebei Province to achieve universal popularization of nine-year compulsory education, the people of the popularization of high school education in the growing demand to ease the pressure on junior high school entrance to education to create a good environment for comprehensive quality education, seize the opportunity to establish a comprehensive high school, Take the initiative of universal education development. First, to reform the school system as a breakthrough point, based on the graduation of the original junior high school students, so that one