Children, male, 2 days, 2 days for moaning, systemic sclerosis 1 day, February 6, 1985 admission. The first birth of the first child, 38 weeks of pregnancy, amniotic membrane premature rupture 46 hours, amniotic fluid was grass green. Birth weight 3,5000g. Apgar scored 1 minute 3 minutes, commune hospital after crying for 10 minutes. Physical examination: body temperature 35.3 ℃, breathing 32 times, pulse 120 times. Mild three concave sign, pale, sclerosis area of 94%, degree Ⅱ-Ⅲ ° lungs were not found abnormalities. Liver in the ribs 1.5Cm. Hemoglobin 14g, white blood cells 26,000, 77% of neutrophils, lymphocytes 23%. X-ray chest prompted neonatal pneumonia. Admission diagnosis: neonatal sepsis, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal scleredema (severe). Give warm box rewarming, hood oxygen, new penicillin Ⅱ, ampicillin, scopolamine, Salvia injection, 5% sodium bicarbonate, 10% calcium gluconate, flumethasone, fresh heparin anticoagulant, vitamin K_1 and energy Combination therapy. On the second day of admission, there was irregular shallow breathing and obviously increased systemic edema. Blood pressure 60mm