大自然的无情,塑造了这样一片山水,总面积655平方公里的东平湖区,在山岭的环抱中,有近万亩土地沙化,有50%多的土地变成了渍涝耕地。湖水涨时,湖区汪洋一片,湖区百姓背井离乡讨饭他乡;湖水降落时,湖区泥泞一片,由于湖水水位不稳,致使生于斯长于斯的90万百姓欲渔不能、欲种不行,生产、生活方式难以确定。 多少年来,东平湖区的黎民百姓多么渴望能够安居乐业啊!然而,时涨时落的湖水打破了他们一代又
Nature’s ruthlessness has shaped such a landscape with a total area of 655 square kilometers in the Dongpinghu District. In the surrounding mountains, nearly 10,000 mu of land has been desertified, and more than 50% of the land has turned into irrigated land. When the lake rose, the lake area was full of oceans and the people in the lake had to leave their villages to discuss their hometowns. When the lake landed, the loach in the lake became muddy. Because of the unstable lake water level, 900,000 people born in Sri Lanka were unwilling to fish, and they were unable to grow and produce. The way is difficult to determine. For many years, the people of Liming in the Dongpinghu District are eager to live and work! However, when the rising lakes broke their generation,