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隋唐时期的中原音乐不仅在音乐理论上,而且在音乐形式上发生了诸多变化。这一时期中原音乐的嬗变主要表现在音乐的多样化与融合性、“以雅入俗”与“引俗入雅”的音乐革新趋势、中原佛教音乐的成熟与完善、中原宫廷音乐机构的设置等多个方面。这种变化既是受到当时外部社会环境的影响,又与其本身的地域文化特征密切相关。嬗变后的中原音乐对后世音乐发展产生了深远影响,使得中原音乐在五代战乱时期得以较好地保留,为辽宋时期中原音乐的复兴奠定了坚实基础。 In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Central Plains music not only in the music theory, but also in the music form many changes took place. The transmutation of the Central Plains music during this period mainly manifested in the music diversification and integration, the trend of music innovation of “elegance and vulgarity” and “introduction of folklore into elegantness”, the maturity and perfection of Buddhist music in the Central Plains, Music agency settings and many other aspects. This change was influenced not only by the external social environment of the time but also by its own regional and cultural characteristics. The transmutation of the Central Plains music had a far-reaching impact on the development of later generations of music, making the Central Plains music better preserved during the Five Dynasties and the Great War, laying a solid foundation for the revival of the Central Plains music in the Liao and Song Dynasties.
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