1 病例介绍患者女性,35岁,因停经33周,胎动消失8 h、失明30 min于2011-02-14入院。患者于当日06:00起床时自觉无胎动,10:00无诱因出现头晕及轻微下腹胀痛,13:40左右突然失明,头晕、头痛加重,14:10由家人送入院。既往孕3产 1,无输血史,无高血压、肝肾病史。入院查体:T 36.8 ℃,P88次/min,R 26次/min,BP 170/100 mmHg;神志不清,烦躁不安,频繁抽搐,呕吐咖啡样胃内容物,两侧瞳孔散大,对光
1 case description Female patients, 35 years old, due to menopause 33 weeks, fetal movement disappeared 8 h, blindness 30 min 2011-02-14 admission. Patients at 6:00 on the same day to get up without conscious fetal movement, 10:00 no incentive causes dizziness and slight abdominal pain, sudden loss of sight around 13:40, dizziness, headache, 14:10 by the family into the hospital. Past pregnancy 3 1, no history of blood transfusions, no hypertension, history of liver and kidney disease. Admission examination: T 36.8 ℃, P88 times / min, R 26 times / min, BP 170/100 mmHg; unconsciousness, irritability, frequent convulsions, vomiting, coffee-like stomach contents, mydriasis on both sides of the light