
来源 :河北农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qrdao
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考察分析了河北省燕山、太行山山地土壤的明显垂直变化情况,和山地土壤易受侵蚀,导致土层薄、含砾,一般表土含有机质较高等特点;探讨了人为正确利用山地土壤与否。对山地土壤的发生演变的图式,以及高居民点远近植被和土壤衰退趋势;讨论了以保水保土、水土保持为中心的合理利用我省山地土壤资源的问题。 The obvious vertical changes of soils in Yanshan and Taihang Mountains of Hebei Province and the susceptible erosion of mountainous soils resulted in thin and coarse gravels and high organic content of the topsoil. The correct utilization of the mountainous soil by human beings was also discussed. The evolution of mountainous soil, and the trend of vegetation and soil decline in the vicinity of high settlements. The issue of rational utilization of mountainous soil resources in our province with water conservation, soil conservation and water and soil conservation was discussed.
Fluensulfone(商品名称:MCW-2;试验代号:BYI1921、MAI-08015、MAI-08016;其他名称:Nimitz、联氟砜、氟噻虫砜、氟砜灵),是由Makhteshim Chemical Works公司开发的氟代烯烃类
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·AIM:To study the effect of troglitazone on primary culture human pterygium fibroblasts (HPF).·METHODS:Cell viability loss and apoptosis were quantified by ce
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患儿男,8岁。因发现双侧乳房肿大3d ,于2 0 0 3年8月就诊于我院儿科。3d前患儿家属发现患儿双侧乳房肿大,右侧为著,局部无红、压痛。查体:头颅五官端正,颈软,胸廓无畸形,双侧