一、5年来的主要工作 5年来,区人民法院认真履行审判职能,确保司法的“公正与效率”。1998年至2002年,共受理各类案件46482件,审结45963件,分别等于前5年的3.49倍和3.45倍,结案率98.9%,涉案标的总额71.51亿元。其中,2002年共受理各类案件11363件,结案10846件,结案率95.5%,标的总额17.42亿元。 (一)加大打击力度,维护社会秩序的稳定。 依法严惩组织和利用“法轮功”等邪教组织的犯罪,成功审结了孙钟文组织和利用邪教组织破坏法律实施罪案、张
I. Major Work in 5 Years Over the past five years, the district people’s courts have conscientiously fulfilled their judicial functions and ensured the “fairness and efficiency” of the judiciary. From 1998 to 2002, a total of 46,482 cases of various types were accepted and 45,963 cases were concluded, amounting to 3.49 times and 3.45 times of the previous five years respectively, with a closing rate of 98.9% and a total amount of 7.151 billion yuan involved. Among them, a total of 11363 cases of all kinds were accepted in 2002, with 10,846 cases closed, with a closing rate of 95.5% and a total amount of 1.742 billion yuan. (I) To intensify the crackdown and maintain the stability of social order. Severely punished the crimes of organizing and using the “Falungong” and other evil cult organizations according to law and successfully concluded Sun Zhongwen’s organization and the use of cults to sabotage the implementation of crimes, Zhang