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随着近几年我国汽车市场的高速发展和汽车文化的日趋成熟,汽车行业的营销方式愈发丰富、新颖和多元化,汽车品牌“植入”电影、歌舞选秀、体育赛事、明星真人秀等娱乐性的跨界营销早已屡见不鲜。然而今年夏天,东风汽车公司却又“玩”出了“新高度”——由其独家冠名的国内首档大型科学实验节目《加油!向未来》,7月份在央视开播之后好评如潮,可谓汽车行业当下跨界营销的一股清流。不一样的跨界营销7月3日,东风汽车公司独家冠名的《加油!向未来》在 With the rapid development of China’s automobile market and the maturing of automobile culture in recent years, the automobile industry has become more and more marketing, innovative and diversified. The brand name of the automobile, the filming, the singing and dancing draft, the sports competition, the star reality Shows and other entertainment cross-border marketing has long been uncommon. However, this summer, Dongfeng Motor Company also “played ” out of “new heights ” - by its exclusive name of the first domestic large-scale scientific experiment program “Come on!” To the future in July after the start of CCTV Rave reviews, can be described as the current cross-border marketing auto industry a clean stream. Different cross-border marketing July 3, Dongfeng Motor Company exclusive title of “Come on! To the future” in
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