黑龙江阿城山河镇松峰村民兵连指导员伊柏岩不畏艰难,冲破山区传统的种植模式,带领全村民兵和群众大力发展水稻种植,使全村种植水稻面积达700亩,亩产1200斤,总收入42万余元,为世代穷苦的山民们铺垫了一条通向富裕的光明之路。 松峰村地处大山区,可耕种的山地不足2万亩,好年景一亩地产粮不过200公斤,一遇灾年颗粒不收。
Heilongjiang Achengshan Songfeng Village Militia even instructors Iberostar braved the mountain, breaking the traditional planting mode, led the village militia and the masses to develop rice cultivation, so that the village planted an area of 700 acres of rice, yield 1200 pounds, The total income of more than 420,000 yuan, for generations of poor mountain people paved the way to a prosperous light. Songfeng Village is located in the mountainous area, less than 20000 acres of arable land, good annual acres of land but grain 200 kilograms of grain, a disaster year does not accept grain.