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  The ancient city of Machu Picchu attracts visitors from all over the world. The most famous archaeological[考古学的] site in Peru, this Inca ruin floats among the clouds 2,000 feet above the Urubamba River that runs below and 7,700 feet above sea level.
  Historians believe the Inca began building Machu Picchu around the 1450s, but because they left no written records behind, no one knows exactly what their purpose was.
  Johan Reinhard (Archaeologist): The Inca royal family would go there for different kinds of ceremonies[典礼,仪式],and we do know that…the…Incas had a very strong ritual[(宗教)仪式的] element there. There are some who think that maybe it was just a retreat[静养的场所].
  They went there to have a nice, you know, retreat from all the hubbub[吵闹声] of the capital city of Cuzco.
  But within a hundred years after the Inca began building this impressive city, they started to abandon[放弃,遗弃] it.
  Reinhard: Machu Picchu was probably abandoned or began to be abandoned already before the Spanish came, and that’s because around 1525 there was a civil war.
  After the Spanish arrived seven years later, in 1532, the Inca deliberately[故意地] burned the forest around Machu Picchu.
  Reinhard: They burned it because the foliage re-grows and completely covers it and made it virtually[实质上]
  Perhaps, thanks to the Inca’s efforts to hide the city, the Spanish never found Machu Picchu. It was lost to the wider world until geographer Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in 1911.
  Over the last century, archaeologists have learned that Machu Picchu was also the hub[中心] of a large network of Inca sites.
  Reinhard: So the picture of Machu Picchu as being an isolated[使孤立] ruin on this…ridge is…is…really incorrect. There are a whole series of sites that lead to it.
  This series of sites has been described as a pilgrimage[朝圣] trail, but the Inca’s ultimate[最终的] plan for these places [remain]注1 a mystery.
  Reinhard: It’s part of a BIG system, that was being built up by the…by the…Incas and it wasn’t finished. We know there were things that were abandoned, so we don’t
  know ultimately what it would…that whole area would have looked like if the Incas had inhabited it, say for another hundred years.
  In 1983, Machu Picchu was named a UNESCO注2 World Heritage Site. As archaeologists learn more about what happened here, new questions continue to arise, guaranteeing[保证] that Machu Picchu will remain a place of mystery for years to come.
  注2:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)的缩写。
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