环境压强是影响空泡脉动的一个重要因素。为了研究环境压强对激光空泡声波特性的影响,采用理想液体中单空泡运动的理论模型,对不同环境压强下液体中空泡运动过程进行了数值模拟,并通过充气泵精确调节高压水箱内的气压,采用高速照相机、高频测量水听器,得到了在不同压强条件下,空泡脉动特性的序列图像和声谱图,根据实验数据研究了不同环境压强下液体中激光诱导产生的空泡脉动规律与声波特性。结果表明:环境压强的改变影响了空泡生存周期和脉动的剧烈程度,但对声波的强度和声谱分布没有影响。辐射的频率集中在0~50 kHz范围内,所辐射的声波能量主要集中在0~20 kHz频段范围,并在2 kHz与8 kHz有两个明显的频率峰值。“,”The ambient pressure is one of the basic factors determining cavitation. In order to investigate the influence of ambient pressure on properties of laser-induced cavitation bubble collapse sound waves, besides analysing the influence of ambient pressure on properties of laser-induced cavitation bubble oscillation, the experimental investigation of the laser-induced cavitation bubble callapse in liquids with different ambient pressure was done with high-speed video, the cavity sound waves generated by the cavitation bubble was detected with the high-frequency hydrophone. The pressure inside the tank was accurately controlled by an air pump. The results show that the ambient pressure has obvious influence on the bubble oscillation, but has no influence on sound intensity and spectrum. The radiation frequency range is 0- 50 kHz, the radiation sound wave energy is 0- 20 kHz, and have two obvious frequency peak value at 2 kHz and 8 kHz.