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曾在余秋雨先生的散文集里,读到一篇《笔墨祭》,其间谈论到我国的艺术瑰宝书法时,有这么一段话: 汉代书法家蔡邕则一心想把大自然的物象纳入笔端,他说:“凡欲结构字体,皆须像其一物,若鸟之形,若虫食禾,若山若树,纵横有托,运用合度,方可谓书。” In the essay series of Mr. Yu Qiuyu, he read an essay entitled “Pen and Ink Festival”, during which he talked about the art of gem calligraphy in China. There is such a passage in his essay that Cai Han, a calligrapher of the Han Dynasty, was bent on incorporating the characters in nature into the pen end. Said: “For the structure of fonts, must be like a thing, if the bird shape, nymph food Wo, if the tree if the vertical and horizontal care, the use of consistency, before the book.”
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露根是树桩盆景制作中的一个重要组成部分。根系裸露盆面或盘根错节,或成虎拳鹰爪,使桩景更显得拙朴奇特、苍古入画。现介绍四种露根的方法,以供参考。 Lugano is an import
仅仅半年的时间,3Com 发布的 Office Connect小型办公系列产品就售出30万套。无疑证明了这个产品的成功。9月底,3Com 在北京又宣布了其新品:Switch 140小型交换机、CD一ROM
技术的全新设计与艺术上的创新高度结合,在尊宝“旷世”(Con-cert)系列音箱上得到完美的再现。尊宝“旷世”系列音箱共有3款:Concert 8、Concert 11和Concert Cen-ter,它从
  Object Oxytocin is a neuropeptide recently associated with social behavior,including attachment,social recognition,and trust in animals and humans.There is
一、线路板特点 AV输入板采用光电偶合器作信号传输,信号以光作传输媒介。信号输入与输出端之间不通地,在电气上是绝缘隔离的,因此可适用于各种冷、热底板机芯。且有以下特
  Objective we used rat contextual fear conditioning model to investigate the role of NE/adrenal receptor dependent protein synthesis in the dorsal hippocampu