中国人,特别是中国古时的名门望族。文人逸士,他们有 的有条件和闲暇,追求生活的乐趣是其永恒的主题。欣赏花卉 也是其悠闲生活的一个有机组成部分,许多人士都精于此道, 并提出了不少独到的见解。清朝的李笠翁就对花草树木及其欣 赏艺术作品中也发表了赏花高论,他说:“花的享受和树的享受 一样,第一步必须选择某种高贵的花,以它们的地位为标准,同 时以某种花与某种情调和环境发生联系。第一是香味……。此 外又有色泽、外观和吸引力的问题,这也有很大的差异。不但 如此,花和周围的环境及开花的节季更重要。按照中国的习惯, 一般从色、香、姿、韵四个方面来品赏花卉。
Chinese people, especially famous people in ancient China. Literati, they have some of the conditions and leisure, the pursuit of the joy of life is its eternal theme. Appreciation of flowers is also an organic part of its leisurely life, many people are skilled in this road, and made a lot of unique insights. In the Qing dynasty, Li Yung-weng also published a comic book on flowers and trees and his appreciation of art works. He said: ”The enjoyment of flowers, like the enjoyment of trees, must first be chosen as some noble flower in their place As a standard, at the same time with some kind of flower and a certain mood and the environment to contact the first is the smell ... ... In addition there are color, appearance and attractiveness of the problem, which is also very different .Furthermore, flowers and the surrounding environment And the flowering season is more important.According to the Chinese custom, generally from the color, smell, posture, rhyme four aspects to enjoy flowers.