纪如老师是我国盐湖资源研究开发的开拓者、最先的倡导人和组织者 ,他领导中国科学院化学研究所 3 0年 ,创建了中国科学院青海盐湖研究所。在近 60年的科研工作与科研组织领导工作中 ,先生以其渊博学识、科学远见、强烈社会责任感和献身科学事业的无私精神 ,为我国的化学发展与
Jiru teacher is a pioneer of China’s salt lake resources research and development, the first advocate and organizer, he led the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Chemistry 30 years, created the Chinese Academy of Sciences Qinghai Salt Lake Institute. In nearly 60 years of scientific research and scientific research organization and leadership, with his profound knowledge, scientific foresight, strong sense of social responsibility and dedication to scientific career selfless spirit for our chemical development and