1 2015财年航天开发预算概况日本内阁府宇宙战略室于2014年9月底公布了各省厅申报、通过内阁府核准的2015财年航天开发经费预算,其总额度达3 2 7 1亿日元,较2 0 1 4财年申报2740亿日元的预算—增加了19.4%(532亿日元)。2各省厅航天经费预算基本情况分析日本宇宙战略室下发的内阁府2015财年航天开发概算要求和申报2015财年航天经费预算的通知明确要求各省厅必须按照航天开发政策委员会整理并于2014年8月20日重新公布的“航天开发政策指导意
1 FY15 Aerospace Development Budget Overview At the end of September 2014, Japan’s Cabinet Office Space Strategy Agency released the budget for spaceflight development approved by the ministries and agencies in FY15 for approval by the Cabinet Office, amounting to 327.1 billion yen, A budget of 274 billion Japanese yen compared with the fiscal 2014 - an increase of 19.4% (532 billion yen). 2 BASIC STATISTICS ON THE SPACE FUND PROJECT BUDGET OF THE PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONS AND CO-OPERATIONS The Cabinet Office issued by Japan’s Space Strategy Room Requirements for Fiscal 2015 Estimation of Aerospace Development and Circular on Fiscal 2015 Estimates of Expenditure for Space Clarification that ministries and agencies must follow the Aerospace Development Policy Board August 20 re-announced ”space development policy guidance