时下,一些企业的领导干部不能开展批评与自我批评,他们一听到批评意见就暴跳如雷,火冒三丈,明明人家批评的对也不接受,至于自我批评就更谈不上了。 开展批评与自我批评是增强党的战斗力的思想武器。无庸讳言,经常运用这个武器,既能及时消除自身肌体的污垢,做到不犯或少犯错误,又能使企业在市场经济竞争中,保持正确的方向,取得良好的经济效益。 历史是一面镜子。唐太宗李世民鼓励臣下批评自己;蜀汉大司马蒋碗善于听取别人的批评意见……在封建社
Nowadays, leading cadres of some enterprises can not carry out criticism and self-criticism. When they hear critics, they are furious and furious. They obviously do not accept the criticism from the people. As for self-criticism, they are even less talked about. Carrying out criticism and self-criticism is the ideological weapon for enhancing the combat effectiveness of the party. Needless to say, the frequent use of this weapon not only promptly eliminates the fouling of its own body, making no mistakes or making fewer mistakes, but also enables the enterprises to maintain the correct orientation and achieve good economic benefits in market economy competition. History is a mirror. Emperor Taizong Li Shimin encouraged his minister to criticize himself; Shu Grand Sima Jiang bowl good at listening to criticisms of others ...... In feudal society