As a bridge between South-North dialogue and as a driver of South-South exchanges, the BRICS countries are believed to have the potential for inherent transformation in the world economy. Their rise will put an end to the monopoly control of the international financial flows, technology, advanced production and raw materials by the big Western powers, and the asymmetric world economic relations between the core and peripheral countries, which have been basically shaped over centuries, have been improved. This paper argues that the BRICS countries are not only committed to improving the international monetary and financial system to support the development of all developing countries, but may also play a leading role in world consumption patterns, international energy resources, natural resources and capital markets. So far, although the cooperation among the BRICS countries is not balanced, they can have a positive impact on world economy and politics. To what extent can “BRIC countries” construct a new international political and economic order? This question deserves further discussion.