【摘 要】
Supply chain finance(SCF) is concerned because of its service efficiency for the real economy. Beside the bank, some enterprises have provided the SCF service.
【机 构】
School of Finance and Business, Shanghai Normal University,Business School, Columbia University,Coll
【出 处】
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science)
Supply chain finance(SCF) is concerned because of its service efficiency for the real economy. Beside the bank, some enterprises have provided the SCF service. E-commerce platform firms develop small and micro loan system in China. A given small enterprise can apply for a loan through its platform. Based on the latest SCF developments and the relevant literature, this study focuses on the coordination mechanism of SCF. We construct a game theory model including supplier, retailer and financial service provider to analyze the decision making of them. We find the optimal solution to the supplier, retailer and financial service provider.
Supply chain finance (SCF) is concerned because of its service efficiency for the real economy. Beside the bank, some enterprises have provided the SCF service. E-commerce platform firms develop small and micro loan system in China. Based on the latest SCF developments and the relevant literature, this study focuses on the coordination mechanism of SCF. We construct a game theory model including supplier, retailer and financial service provider to analyze the decision making of them. We find the optimal solution to the supplier, retailer and financial service provider.
RUS(ROOT UV-B SENSITIVE)是包含DUF647的结构域,并与植物感受低强度UV-B有关的基因,广泛存在于拟南芥、水稻、苔藓、果蝇、人等的基因组中。在水稻的全基因组中,共有6个RUS基因
基因组拼接(genome assembly)作为基因组学研究的核心技术,一直是测序数据分析中的重点和难点。它包含两部分:将测序短读段拼接成重叠群(contig)和基于连接信息把重叠群进一步
2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震造成了极大的人员伤亡和经济损失,其孕震机理和动力学成因为国内外学者广泛关注.由于目前的反演主要采用单一的反演方法进行处理,导致结果的不确定性较大,使得该地震的发震构造及孕震机理等问题仍存在较大争议.针对目前研究存在的不足,本文基于近震波形求解震源机制解的gCAP(general Cut And Paste)方法和全波形拟合方法,分别反演了鲁甸地震主震及其9次余震的震源