以赤峰市古树名木资源调查为基础,建立了古树名木生态价值、经济价值、社会价值评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对其综合价值进行了科学评价。结果表明:赤峰市共有散生古树320株,隶属于15科23属32种;名木3 037株,隶属于8科10属11种。散生古树名木基本价值为852.32万元,综合价值为11 776.13万元,综合价值是基本价值的13.8倍。
Based on the survey of old trees and famous wood resources in Chifeng City, the index system of ecological value, economic value and social value of ancient and famous trees was established, and its comprehensive value was scientifically evaluated by AHP. The results showed that there were 320 scattered ancient trees in Chifeng City, belonging to 15 families, 23 genera and 32 species, and 3 037 famous trees belonging to 8 families, 10 genera and 11 species. The basic value of scattered ancient trees was 8.5222 million yuan, the integrated value of 117.76313 million yuan, the integrated value is 13.8 times the basic value.