这是10月1O日《人民日报》通讯《他真像当年的焦裕禄》中的一个镜头:全国农产品产销见面会展厅内人流如潮,河南省杞县县长焦跃进正在推销杞县出产的大蒜。当记者们听说焦跃进是焦裕禄的儿子时,争先恐后地进行采访,100多家新闻媒体相继报道了“焦裕禄的儿子在北京卖大蒜”的消息,杞县的农副产品一时成了北京市民的抢手货。 这是名人效应吗?我想是的!
This is October 10 “People’s Daily” newsletter, “he really like Jiao Yuluo,” a shot: the national agricultural production and marketing meet the Convention and Exhibition Hall crowds, Qixian County, Henan Province, Jiaoyue Jin Yue is promoting the production of garlic . When reporters learned that Jiao Yuejin was Jiao’s son, he scrambled to interview him. More than 100 news media reported that “Jiao’s son sold garlic in Beijing.” Qi County’s agricultural and sideline products became a hot spot for Beijing residents goods. Is this a celebrity effect? I think so!