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在中国近现代史上册(试验修订本)《中华民国全图》《军阀割据示意图》上,都出现热河、察哈尔、绥远、川边等行政区域,这四个行政区域是如何演变的呢?应该有所了解。1.热河。1914年,设热河特别区,1928年置热河省,省会承德。辖今河北省东北部、辽宁省西部等地,简称热。1956年,省撤销,所辖行政区分别并入河北、辽宁两省及内蒙古自治区。2.察哈尔。1914年设察哈尔特别区,1928年改置察哈尔省,辖今河北省西北部及内蒙古锡林郭勒 In the book of modern and contemporary Chinese history (trial revision), “The Republic of China”, and “The Warlord Separatist Diagram”, there are the administrative regions of Rehe, Chahar, Suiyuan, and Chuanbian. How did these four administrative regions evolve? What should be understood? 1. Heat River. In 1914, the Rehe special area was established. In 1928, Rehe province was established and Chengde, the provincial capital, was established. Under the jurisdiction of the present-day northeastern Hebei Province, western Liaoning Province and other places, referred to as heat. In 1956, the province was revoked and the administrative areas under its jurisdiction were merged into Hebei, Liaoning and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region respectively. 2. Chahar. Established in Chazal District in 1914, Chahar Province was reorganized in 1928, which is located in the northwestern part of present-day Hebei Province and Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia.
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