这部短篇在技巧上也很别致。作者写的是巴黎,但安排的主要场景却是美国人开的利兹酒吧和彼得斯典型的美国家庭,出场人物又全是美国人;小说集中写了三天半,七、八个人,可反映的却是大萧条前、后两个不同的时期,洛蕾恩、林肯和查利三种不同类型的美国人在这两个时期的遭遇和心理。这充分表现了作者卓越的艺术才华。小说情节生动,紧奏而有曲折,末尾又有突变,从而使主题获得了深度。这里我们根据丹尼尔·弗·豪尔德(Daniel F·Howard)一九六八年编的短篇小说《现代的传统》所收选文译出。编者在前言中称,《重游巴比伦》“异常真实地描写了一个深知巴比伦——二十年代荒涎而虚幻的巴黎——已经消逝的人。”
This short story is also very skillful. The author wrote about Paris, but the main arrangement was the Leeds Bar and Peters’ typical American families. The characters were all Americans. The novel focused on three days and a half, seven or eight people, reflecting the It was during the two periods before and after the Great Depression that the three different types of Americans, Loreenen, Lincoln and Charlie, experienced and experienced during these two periods. This fully demonstrates the author’s outstanding artistic talent. The plot vivid, tight and twists and turns, at the end there are mutations, so that the theme gained depth. Here we translate it according to the selection of Daniel F. Howard’s 1968 short story Modern Tradition. In its preface, the editor states that “revisiting Babylon” “represents an extremely true description of a person who has known Babylon, the uncooperative Paris of the 1920s, that has passed away.”