皇室家居蓄势十年 内销瞄准一线城市 港版定制家居 图谋内地千店

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回归十年,香港经济与内地已完全血脉融合。几乎是经历了这十年,李嘉富、陈楚煅才下定了把他们一手创办的皇室家居打入内地市场的决心。1997年,当诸多香港资本面对回归而游移不定时,皇室家居却早已绸缪安家深圳,3月份选址建厂9月份便正式开了张。然而,当初的归来,还是遵循着香港制造业向内地转移的大势,他们的定制家具、智能家居依然是销售在香港本地或是欧美等海外市场。产在内地却不销在内地,这种情况一直延续到去年,2006年9月28日,皇室在东莞厚街设立了其在内地的首个展示厅。选择这个地点绝非偶然,东莞在中国家具产业的地位可说举足轻重。广东省家具产业总值占全国的三分之一,东莞家具产业又占了广东省的三分之一,是全国最大的家具出口地。无论内销外联,东莞都是最佳的选择。 Returning to ten years, the economy of Hong Kong and the Mainland have completely merged. Almost after experiencing this decade, Li Jiafu and Chen Chucheng set the determination to launch the royal family home they set up into the mainland market. In 1997, when many Hong Kong’s capitals swarmed in return to face the return, the royal family had already taken the initiative to settle down in Shenzhen. In March, the site selection and construction of the home was officially opened in September. However, the original return, or follow the general trend of Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry to the Mainland, their custom furniture, smart home is still sold in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, or overseas markets. Production in the Mainland but not in the Mainland, this situation continued until last year, September 28, 2006, the royal family in Houjie, Dongguan set up its first showroom in the Mainland. Choosing this place is by no means an accident, Dongguan’s position in the Chinese furniture industry can be significant. Guangdong Province, the total furniture industry accounts for one-third of the country, Dongguan furniture industry accounted for one-third of Guangdong Province, is the country’s largest furniture export. Regardless of domestic outreach, Dongguan is the best choice.
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