相对而言,台湾的流行乐坛比较多元化,它既有青春靓丽的偶像型歌手,也有相当一批不靠外貌的实力派唱将。后者的唱片并不畅销,且知音日渐稀少,不过这类音乐人的作品往往更令人百听不厌,陈升就是其中的一位佼佼者。 陈升是位少见而独特的创作型歌手,他的曲风类似罗大佑、李寿全,擅长描绘普罗大众的真实感受,从中对现实生活进行反思,具有一定的批判性。但他不象罗大佑那么尖锐辛辣,以逼人的锋芒直指丑恶。也许是随和的性格使然,他的表达方式非常平民化,旋律简单直接、浑然一
Relatively speaking, Taiwan’s popular music scene is more diversified. It has both young and beautiful idol singers and a considerable number of non-appearance-based power groups. The latter did not sell well, and his voice became increasingly scarce. However, the works of such musicians are often even more impressive, with Chen Sheng as one of the best. Chen Sheng is a rare and unique creative singer. His style is similar to that of Luo Dayou and Li Shouquan. He is good at depicting the true feelings of the general public and reflections of real life from it. It is somewhat critical. But he is not as sharp and spicy as Luo Dayou, pointing ugly with a compelling edge. Probably an easygoing personality, his expression is very ordinary, the melody is simple and straightforward,