Who Is Jack Kevorkian, Really?

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作为一名外科医生,我很重视不断提高自己的英语阅读水平。在国内几家英语刊物中,我对《科技英语学习》另眼相看。她虽然不是专业性的医学刊物,但是,我偶尔还能从贵刊得到若干新鲜的西方的医学和健身知识。而且《科技英语学习》的一个优点是注重诱发和培养读者学习英语的兴趣。我的几个同事都爱读贵刊。 言归正传。今天上“网”,浏览了今年第 4期的美国著名刊物Reader’sDigest,发现佳作一篇。题目是:Who Is Jack Kevorkian,Really?Jack Kevorkian也是一名医生,他已经成为今天美国社会的一个“新闻人物”。 Kevorkian是一个所谓信奉和执行 euthanasia(安乐死)的医生。他自称是“死亡医生”。尸体解剖证明:被他执行“安乐死”的69人中,仅有16人是terminally ill,另外 48名所得的仅是nonterminal disease,而另外 5名则根本是no anatoimcal(解剖的;解剖学的)evidence of disease at all。 Kevorkian认为:a person’s level of suffering and wish to die are moreimportant factors. 对于Kevorkian这样的医生,现在存在两种不同的意见: While supporters of Kevorkian say he is an angel of mercy(怜悯的天使)who helps patients die with dignity,some critics say he is more accuratelydescribed as a se As a surgeon, I value continuous improvement in my English reading. In several domestic publications in China, I have taken a look at Science and Technology English Learning. Although she is not a professional medical publication, I occasionally receive a number of fresh western medical and fitness knowledge from your magazine. And one of the advantages of Learning English for Science and Technology is that it focuses on inducing and cultivating readers’ interest in learning English. Several of my colleagues love reading your magazine. Closer to home. Today, I went to “Web” and browsed Reader’s Digest, the famous American publication in the fourth issue of this year, and found a masterpiece. The topic is: Who Is Jack Kevorkian, Really? Jack Kevorkian is also a doctor, and he has become a “newsman” in American society today. Kevorkian is a doctor who believes in and carries out euthanasia (euthanasia). He claims to be a “death doctor.” The autopsy showed that of the 69 people who were euthanized, only 16 were terminally ill, 48 were only nonterminal diseases, and 5 were essentially no anatoimcal (anatomical; anatomical). Evidence of disease at all. Kevorkian thinks that there are two different opinions on doctors such as Kevorkian: While supporting people of Kevorkian say he is an angel of mercy who promises more important people. With dignity, some critics say he is more accuratelydescribed as a se
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