十年前,当一些同行由衷地称赞由我撰稿、输送日本的电视纪录片《永定土楼》“解说词挺好”时,我第一次感受到解说词撰写之于纪录片本身成功与否,有着重要的作用。同时也首次开始意识到:纪录片解说词有一个“风格”问题。 十年后的现在,当我又一次同样选择了那些土黄色的土楼建筑作为表现对象,却写出一种与当年格调完全不同的解说词时,关于“风格”的认识就变得更为清晰
Ten years ago, when some colleagues heartily praised me for contributing and delivering the Japanese TV documentary “Earthen Tulou” with “good commentary”, I first felt that the commentary was written in the documentary itself or not. Important role. For the first time, at the same time, I began to realize that documentary commentary has a “style” problem. Ten years later, when I again chose those khaki-colored earth buildings as objects of expression, but wrote a completely different commentary from that time, my understanding of “style” became clearer