甲戌评之初 ,曹棠村用了真名 ,直到二十六回才使用脂砚斋化名。脂砚斋“三评”始于丙子年五月。五月初八日 ,曹氏兄弟举办过四十寿宴 ,畸笏、松斋、梅溪都参加了。著名的“命删”事件即发生于这一天。同日 ,《红楼梦》题名正式取代《石头记》。脂砚斋生前添改过自藏本第一回“楔子” ,虽出于好心却把题名过程弄颠倒了。“楔子”中的眉批“今棠村已逝”作于丁亥春 ,距脂砚之死约半年 ,是一条晚期批语。
At the beginning of Jiaxu evaluation, Cao Tongcun used a real name, until twenty-six back to use grease Yan Zhai a pseudonym. Zhi Yan Zhai, “Three Commentaries” started in May of Zibi. On the eighth day of May, the Cao brothers held forty birthday feasts, including the Wat Chung, Song Zhai and Mei Xi. The famous “life delete” incident that happened on this day. On the same day, the title of “Dream of Red Mansions” officially replaced “Stone Note.” Zhi Yanzhai prenatal change since the first copy of the “wedge”, although out of good intentions but the title process upside down. “Wedge” in the eyebrow batch “This village is dead” in Dinghai Spring, from the fat Yan Zhi died about six months, is a late approval.