从国际汽车科技的发展势头看来,汽车管路中金属、橡胶这两大材料的霸主地位已摇摇欲坠,用不了多长时间,它们必让位给后起之秀——尼龙。 尼龙,学名为聚酰胺(PA),尼龙的结构系含有酰胺基因的线型高分子化合物,是世界五大通用工程塑料之一。由于它在常温下的机械强度和理化性能优于其它工程塑料,所以在制作精密管材的原料群中独领风骚。
From the momentum of the development of international automotive science and technology, automotive, metal and rubber pipelines dominance of these two major materials has been crumbling, in less than a long time, they will give way to a rising star - nylon. Nylon, the scientific name is polyamide (PA), nylon structure containing amide gene linear polymer compounds, is the world’s five major general engineering plastics. Because of its mechanical strength and physical and chemical properties at room temperature is superior to other engineering plastics, so in the production of precision tubes of raw materials dominate.