LIBS-OPA was used to analyze the longitudinal distribution of longitudinal sections of Gd rods from different electromigration sites. The distribution of impurity elements at different positions in electromigration was discussed. The segregation of Ti and Cu in the upper part of the electromigration process was found to be more serious, while the content of the impurity elements in the lower part, ie, the cathode, was greatly reduced and its distribution tended to be uniform. The contents of Ti and Al changed greatly at the end of electrotransport, and a clear demarcation line appeared, which indicated that the composition of some metal gadolinium changed abruptly, which resulted in the great change of its distribution. The intensity of Cu, Si, Mo and Fe also decreased to some extent. But its segregation change is not obvious. Ti and Mo are the elements with more anomalous signals in the in-situ analysis of gadolinium, indicating that there are some compounds of Ti and Mo in the metal Gd. Transmission electron microscopy was used to observe the compounds in the gadolinium rods. The results are in good agreement with the LIBS-OPA statistics.