中子活化分析具有灵敏度高,选择性好,在单一样品中可同时测定多种微量元素,以及无“空白”影响等优点,目前,已成为微量组份分析最有效的手段之一。 本文探索了用仪器中子活化分析法同时测定钒钛磁铁矿中钪、钻、镍、铬、锌、钛、镧、铕、铪、钽和铁等十种元素的可能性,对BH0101、BH0102、BH0103、BH0104和H-J等五种钒钛磁铁矿样中的钪等元素进行了测定,并估价了方法的误差。 一、方法的原理 当样品放入原子反应堆辐照时,在堆中子的作用下,样品中待测元素某同位素产生的绝对放射性A(蜕变/秒)可用下式计算:
Neutron activation analysis with high sensitivity, good selectivity, in a single sample can simultaneously measure a variety of trace elements, and no “blank” and other advantages, at present, has become one of the most effective means of trace component analysis. This paper explores the possibility of simultaneous determination of ten elements of scandium, cobalt, cobalt, zinc, titanium, lanthanum, europium, hafnium, tantalum and vanadium in vanadium-titanium magnetite by means of neutron activation analysis. BH0102, BH0103, BH0104 and HJ five vanadium titanomagnetite samples such as scandium and other elements were measured, and evaluate the method of error. First, the principle of the method When the sample into the atomic reactor irradiation, the role of heap neutrons in the sample to be measured in the isotope of an element of radioactive A (decay / sec) can be calculated using the following formula: