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随着社会经济的不断发展,教学的效率在社会上引起了高度的重视,却也存在那么一些特殊的群体,需要更多的人去关注。对具有听力障碍教学有效性也慢慢地出现在人们的视野当中。具有听力障碍的学生,有可能是先天遗传具有的,也有可能是后天一些不可抗拒因素造成的,学校的教育是其成长和发展的重要阶段。更加值得关注的是,小学教育对学生日后的发展具有不可替代的作用,针对提升具有听力障碍学生在数学教学中的学习效率和如何在小学数学教学中有效教学这个问题进行探讨。 With the continuous development of social economy, the efficiency of teaching has aroused great attention in the society, but there are also some special groups that need more people to pay attention to. The effectiveness of teaching for people with hearing impairment slowly appears in people’s perspective. Hearing impaired students may have congenital heredity, may also be caused by some irresistible factors, school education is an important stage of its growth and development. What deserves our attention is that primary education plays an irreplaceable role in the future development of students, and aims at improving the learning efficiency of students with hearing impairment in mathematics teaching and how to effectively teach them in primary mathematics teaching.
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