翻转课堂的优势符合现代企业培训的发展趋势和要求,能够满足个性化的学习需求,特别是在“互联网+”环境下,翻转课堂应用于企业培训项目中具有可观前景。一、翻转课堂的由来和发展翻转课堂自英文“Flipped Classroom”或“Inverted Classroom”翻译而来,又译作“反
Flip classroom advantages in line with the development trend of modern enterprise training and requirements, to meet the individual learning needs, especially in the ”Internet + “ environment, flip classroom applied to enterprise training project has considerable prospects. First, flip the origin of the classroom and the development of flip the classroom from English ”Flipped Classroom “ or ”Inverted Classroom “ translated from, and translated as ”anti