宝塔菜(Stachys Silbo-ldii Mig)属唇形科,块茎,状似螺丝、蚕蛹;又名草石蚕、螺丝菜等。其食用部分是地下块茎。肉质脆嫩无纤维。经盐渍酱制后,风味独特,营养丰富。不但是佐餐佳品,也是筵席上的爽口菜。其营养成分:500克中含蛋白质27.5克、脂肪1.5克、碳水化合物115克。
Pagoda dish (Stachys Silbo-ldii Mig) is a Labiatae, tubers, like screw, silkworm pupa; also known as grass and silkworm, screw vegetables. Its edible part is underground tubers. Fleshy crisp no fiber. After salted sauce system, unique flavor, nutrient-rich. Not only is it an appetizer, it is also a refreshing dish on the feast. Its nutritional content: 500 grams of protein 27.5 grams, 1.5 grams of fat, carbohydrates 115 grams.