光复以后 ,台湾省行政长官公署设立专卖局 ,对樟脑、烟草、酒、火柴、度量衡器等物资实行严格的专卖制度。 1945年至 1947年 ,台湾省行政长官公署百分之三十以上的财政收入来源于专卖。专卖制度自最初实行即引起台湾民众的普遍反感 ,并最终成为 1947年“二·二八”事件爆发的一个主要原因和导火索。“二·二八”事件之后 ,专卖局被改组为烟酒公卖局 ,其余物资则不再实行专卖。
After the recovery, Taiwan’s Chief Executive Office set up Monopoly Bureau, the camphor, tobacco, wine, matches, weighing scales and other materials to implement a rigorous monopoly system. From 1945 to 1947, over 30% of the revenue of Taiwan’s Chief Executive Office came from monopoly. Since the initial implementation of the monopoly system, it has aroused widespread resentment among the people in Taiwan and eventually became a major cause and trigger for the “February 28” incident in 1947. After the “February 28” incident, the Monopoly Administration was reorganized into the Tobacco and Alcohol Trading Administration, and the remaining materials were no longer monopolized.