今年是国际老年人年。 在这个特别有意义的日子里,我们向每一位老年人致以特别的问候。关心老年人,研究老年人,重视老年人,宽容老年人,这是我们应该具有的态度。人人都会老。古埃及的斯芬克斯之谜说道:有一种动物,早上4条腿,中午2条腿,晚上3条腿——这就是人。人的生命由幼至老,形成了一个完整的循环。老年人有的时候特别像儿童,其实就是这个循环的真实写照。前几天,在公共汽车上,为了一个座位,与一位老大妈吵了一架。当时,我心里特别明白自己正在做老年人这个选题,特别明白应该尊重老年人,可是,就因为老大妈抢先一步坐了那个座位,并且不认为是我让给她的,反而认为是她自己腿脚敏捷,两人就那么很大声地吵起来,弄得全车不宁,气得老大妈差点坐过了站。回过头来想想,为什么就不能宽容老人呢?待自己老了的时候,也碰到一个年岁小的人依仗着年龄的优势为一点小事与你争与你吵,到那时,你又会做何感想?记住斯芬克斯之迷,记住人生的发展规律,每个人都将无可选择地走过生命的这一循环。宽容老人吧,那也就是宽容我们自己!
This year is the International Year of Older Persons. In this particularly meaningful time, we extend special greetings to every elderly person. Care for the elderly, researching the elderly, valuing the elderly, and forgiving the elderly are all attitudes we should have. Everyone will be old. Sphynx mystery of ancient Egypt said: There is an animal, 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon, 3 legs at night - this is human. Human life from young to old, formed a complete cycle. Sometimes, the elderly are especially like children, which is actually a true portrayal of this cycle. A few days ago, in a bus, for a seat, with an old aunt quarrel. At that time, I was especially aware that I was working on the topic of the elderly. I especially understood that the elderly should be respected. However, because the old aunt took the first step in that seat and did not think that I let her, Legs agile, two people so loudly quarreled, confused the whole car restless, angry old aunt almost sat over the station. When I was old, I also met a young man relying on the advantages of age for a little trifle with you to fight with you, then you again What do you think? Remember Sphinx fans, remember the law of development of life, everyone will have no choice but to walk through this cycle of life. Forgiving the elderly, that is tolerance of ourselves!