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例1,患者男性,10~+天,家属诉患儿出生时双眼不能睁开。患儿系第4胎足月顺产,其母第一胎男孩,出生后6个月死于营养不良,第二胎怀孕6个月流产,第三胎,现2岁,女性,生长发育好。患儿祖父母、外祖父母及父母亲视力及眼部均正常,父母亲非血族联姻。母亲妊娠时无高热、风疹史,无放射线接触史和外伤史,全身检查无异常。眼部检查:双眼睑向眶内陷落而紧闭,眉毛正常、睫毛可见,未见泪小点,啼哭时有眼泪,眼裂横经右8 mm,左7 mm,纵径仅能拉开4mm,可深入6mm,有少许分泌物,强光照射眼部,未见眼部皮肤颤动,眼眶 X 线摄片未见异常。例2,患者女性,新生儿,因左眼畸形由妇产科请眼科会诊,患儿系第一胎足月顺产,父母非血族联姻。无放射线接触史和外伤史,母亲妊娠时无高热、风疹史,家族中无先天性畸形,全身检查无异常。眼部检查:左眼发育正常,左眼眉毛可见,触之软,未 Example 1, male patients, 10 ~ + days, family members can not open their eyes when the child is born. The fourth fetus in children with full-term pregnancy, the first mother of the first child, 6 months after birth died of malnutrition, the second child was 6 months pregnant with abortion, the third child, now 2 years old, female, good growth and development. Pediatric grandparents, grandparents and parents both eyesight and normal eyes, parents and non-kin marriage. No high fever during pregnancy, rubella history, no history of radiation exposure and history of trauma, no abnormalities in the whole body examination. Eye examination: the eyelids fall orbital retraction and closed, eyebrows normal, visible lashes, no tears, tears when crying, ocular cross transverse right 8 mm, left 7 mm, longitudinal diameter can only be opened 4mm , Can be in-depth 6mm, a little secretions, strong light exposure to the eye, no eye skin fibrillation, orbital X-ray showed no abnormalities. Case 2, female patients, newborns, obstetrics and gynecology due to left eye debridement please ophthalmology consultation, pediatric first full-term fetus, non-kinship marriages. No history of radiation exposure and history of trauma, no high fever in pregnancy, rubella history, no congenital malformations in the family, no abnormality in the whole body examination. Eye examination: normal left eye development, visible left eyebrows, touch the soft, not
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