九·一八事变后 ,日本以武力侵占中国东北三省 ,随即改变侵略方式 ,妄图以“蚕食”的方式侵占华北地区。日本国内的形势、中国国内的政治局势和国际社会的干预是日本改变侵略方式的根本原因。这种侵占方式的特点是 :以军事威胁与讹诈为主 ,以外交压迫为辅 ;全面利用汉奸与重点打压相结合 ;大肆对华北进行经济侵略等。
After the September 18 Incident, Japan invaded and occupied the three northeastern provinces of China by force and immediately changed its mode of aggression in an attempt to encroach on North China by “encroaching upon”. The situation in Japan, the political situation in China and the intervention by the international community are the fundamental reasons for Japan to change its mode of aggression. This kind of embezzlement is characterized by: taking military threats and blackmail as the mainstay, supplemented by diplomatic pressure; making full use of the combination of traitors and major suppression; and wantonly engaging in economic aggression in North China.