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人的身高与父母的遗传有关,但并非绝对。研究实践证明,青少年时期通过专门的长高训练可增进人体的高度。(1)跳远:立定或助跑跳远均可。起跳时踏跳要有力,在空中挺膝展髋,两臂上伸,充分展体;落下时前脚撑着地,屈膝缓冲。可根据自己体质情况做7~10次,中间适当休息。(2)仰卧起(两头翘):身体仰卧在地毯或床上,用力收腹的同时,两腿、两臂伸直向上翘起,伴随低头伸颈两手 The height of a person is related to her parents’ inheritance but not absolute. Research and practice have proved that adolescent period through specialized height training can enhance the human body height. (1) long jump: standing or helping long jump can be. Take-off jump to force, knee-jerk in the air show the hip, arms stretched, fully exhibiting; falling forefoot propped to the ground, knees buffer. According to their physical condition to do 7 to 10 times, the middle of a proper rest. (2) sit up (two Alice): the body supine on the carpet or bed, forced abdomen at the same time, legs, arms straight up tilt, with bow down his neck and hands