在美国,一年发生的败血症达7万~30万人,其中有40%引起败血症性休克。因此而致死的也不少。Sibbald w等(1981)对继发于败血症、发病率高的成人呼吸窘迫综合征的治疗,推荐了糖皮质激素疗法。Bone RC等(1987)把382例(男235,女147例)败血症综合征或败血症性休克病例分为2组,每组191人,使用大剂量甲基强地松龙疗法(30mg/kg,每6小时1次共4次,在20分钟内静脉输入),研究其治疗效果,认为对休克的预防、休克的恢复及死亡率中无论哪一种,甲基强地松龙都没有效果。Bone RC等(1991)对败血症的定义规定如下几点:有感染灶、呼吸急促(>20次/分)、脉快(90/分)、发热或低体温(深部体温,或直肠温度>38.8℃或<35.6℃)。这种败血症,如果伴有以下任何一个以上脏器灌流障碍或机能损害者就叫做败血症综合征(脓毒
In the United States, 70,000 to 300,000 sepsis occurs a year, of which 40% cause septic shock. So a lot of death. Sibbald w et al. (1981) recommended glucocorticoid therapy for the treatment of adult respiratory distress syndrome secondary to septicemia and high morbidity. Bone RC et al. (1987) divided 382 patients (235 males and 147 females) with sepsis syndrome or septic shock into two groups of 191 patients each. The patients were treated with high dose methylprednisolone therapy (30 mg / kg, Once every 6 hours 4 times, intravenous infusion within 20 minutes) to study its therapeutic effect, that the prevention of shock, shock recovery and mortality in any of which, methyl prednisolone no effect. Bone RC et al. (1991) defined the following as the definition of sepsis: nosocomial infection, shortness of breath (> 20 beats / min), pulse speed (90 / min), fever or hypothermia (deep body temperature, or rectal temperature> 38.8 ° C or <35.6 ° C). This septicemia, if accompanied by any one or more of the following organ dysfunction or dysfunction, is called sepsis syndrome