《宋大诏令集》,原书不著编者.据陈振孙的《直斋书录解题》、王应麟的《玉海》、赵希弁的《郡斋读书附志》等文献记载,该书是宋绶子孙在南宋高宗绍兴年间编纂的. 《宋大诏令集》是在北宋各朝连续不断地诏令编纂的基础上产生的.真宗咸平元年(998年)《颁编敕赦书德音诏》曰:“国家开创以来,诏令所下,年祀寝久,科条实繁.爱命有司,重定厥要,去其重覆,分以门部,著为定规,允协中典,宜下颁诸路,与律、令格式统同行,其雕造印版,委监馆阁书籍列崇起管”.不仅宣示了编纂的目的,还指定了印刷出版
According to Chen Zhen Sun’s Straight Zhai Catalog Solving Questions, Wang Yinglin’s Yuhai, and Zhao Xiling’s Zuizhai Reading Annals, the book Song Shizu descendants in the Southern Song Dynasty Emperor Shaoxing years compilation. “Song Dazhù set” is the North Song dynasty dynasty dynasty edict made on the basis of continuous .Zong Xianping first year (998) “issued 敕Since the founding of the country, the edict has been given by the edict for a long time and the section has been executed for a long time. , Yun Association in Code, should be promulgated by the road, and the law, so that the format of the same line, its carved plates, the Commission House Pavilion Court Chong Chong tube ”not only declared the purpose of editing, also designated the printing and publishing