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七月的清晨,太阳暖暖地照耀着大地。盘龙小学的学生早已经考完试离校了。接下来,小学一年级新生报名开始了,政府文件要求按片区招生。我早早来到学校,学校大门口早已经堵得水泄不通,我挤进人群,边走边说:“各位家长,请让一让,请让一让。”近两年,每年招生都是这样挤。我终于走进校门,来到一年级一班教室,摆好桌子,开始今天的招生工作。8点,门开了,家长们带着孩子如潮水一般冲进学校,排队报名。第一位家长,拿出户口本,房产证,我认真查看,符 In the early morning of July, the sun shone warmly on the earth. Panlong primary school students already finished the test left school. Next, freshman enrollment of primary school began, the government documents required enrollment by area. I came to school early, the school gate already blocked enough to get through, I squeezed into the crowd, walked and said: “Parents, please let a let, please let.” "In the past two years, enrollment is so every year squeeze. I finally entered the school gate, came to a class of classrooms, set the table, start today’s enrollment. 8 o’clock, the door opened, parents rushed into the school with children tide, line up. The first parent, took out the account, real estate license, I carefully check, Fu
时下,在居民小区开店已成为一件再平常不过的事,服饰店也正日渐成为许多居民区内的一道新的风景线。这些服装小店,有的生意兴旺,有的则举步维艰,那究竟应该怎样开店?记者走访了两家小店,将它们的经营方式逐一对比,也许会对你有所启示。  小汪的店位于一个新建不久的社区,这里的居住人群以年轻白领居多。走进小汪的店,你会发现橱窗里常见的塑料模特被换成了一张白色的小圆桌和一盆鲜花,而其他店里普通的收银台,在这里却
I grew up poor——living in the projects1 withsix brothers,three sisters,a varying assortment offoster kids,my father,and a wonderful mother-Scarlette Hunley.W
Q少典绝:、币犷/众仁一(.o吮犯二乡‘,}#戮刁翩原来如此(英文)@江西元 Q Shao Dian Jue: , 犷 犷 众 众 / 仁 仁 一. (吮o 吮 犯二乡’, } # 戮刁翩 This is the case (Engl
Already winner in1999 and 2001,in the women’s single,Wang Nan has kept her WorldChampionship title. 继获得了1999和2001年女子单打冠军后,王楠在本届世乒赛上再次
我叫张东,湖北荆州人,初中毕业后回乡务农,抱着“榜上无名,脚下有路”的信念,准备立足农村大干场。我先后种过药材、食用菌,但由于信息不灵,技术落后,折腾了一阵,最终还是败下阵来。不仅没赚到钱,还贴进去不少,为了减轻家里负担,我决定南下深圳打工。  到深圳后,在朋友的帮助下我在一个五金厂当了一名工人,每天长达15小时的工作时间,又脏又累的环境,没有油水的食堂饭菜,少得可怜的工资,很快使我从一个意气风发
In the toughest move to date against unsolicited commercial e-mail, Virginia enacted a law on May 1, imposing harsh felony penalties for sending such messages t
有家酒吧深信他们的招待力气最大,就设了1,000美元的奖金。根据规则,酒吧招待把柠檬的汁液挤在杯子里,然后将柠檬递给顾客,如果有人能够再挤出一滴柠檬汁, 就赢得这1,000美元
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