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全民创业是发展之基、富民之本、强市之路、活力之源,是实现保增长、扩内需、调结构、促就业、强基础的迫切要求。2008年,市委市政府召开全民创业研讨会,吹响了全民创业的铿锵号角。2009年,市委市政府1号文件下发《关于推动全民创业的意见》,明确规定3年内实施“32231”创业工程,点燃了全民创业的热情,掀起了全民创业的热潮。 It is an urgent requirement for achieving growth, expanding domestic demand, adjusting the structure, promoting employment and building a strong foundation for the enrichment of people, the road to strong cities and the source of vitality. In 2008, the municipal party committee and city government held a seminar on universal entrepreneurship, which sounded the sonorous horn of the nation-wide undertaking. In 2009, Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government Document No.1 issued the Opinions on Promoting Entrepreneurship, which clearly stipulated that the “32231” start-up project should be implemented within 3 years, lighting the enthusiasm of the entire people for starting a business and setting off a wave of entrepreneurship.
全球金融危机、国际油价大跌给石油石化企业带来莫大的生产经营压力。然而,困难面前,我们必须坚定信心,创造性地化危为机。 The global financial crisis, the drop in inte
审批★滨绥铁路牡丹江至绥芬河段扩能改造工程可行性研究报告★黄陵至韩城至侯马铁路可行性研究报告 Approval ★ Bin Sui Sui Mingsui Sui Fen River expansion project fe
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用激光二极管列阵泵浦钕玻璃,得到TEM00模最大输出功率为500mW,斜效率38%. Pumped neodymium glass with a laser diode array, TEM00 maximum output power of 500mW, oblique efficiency o
在五羊·本田和建设·雅马哈等合资品牌在中国内地市场推出运动型踏板车之后,作为国内自主品牌的飞鹰推出了自己的全新运动型踏板车,准备加入到这一新市场的争夺战中。 Afte
传声器是将声能转换成电能的一种换能器。传声器拾音是声音放大链路中的首要环节。本文将介绍广播电视领域所用的传声器及其使用技术。 一、传声器的性能要求及分类 在广播