中国和英国都拥有着活力四射的艺术群体,如何让这两个群体有着更为多元的了解和深入的交流?英国文化协会为此已经做出多次尝试。一直致力于为中英两国文化牵线搭桥的英国文化协会,为艺术家、策展人和艺术机构的合作提供了多方面的支持。因为有了这样的一个公益性的机构,诸如“特纳展”、“大声展”、“余震:英国当代艺术展”等重大展事才得以顺利地来到中国展出;同样因为有了这样的机构,中英两国的文化和艺术的普及地域才变得越来越广阔,艺术交流的形式也更为多元。基于此,本刊特别采访了英国驻华使馆一等秘书(文化)、英国文化协会中国区艺术总监Neil Webb先生。
Both China and the United Kingdom have a dynamic artistic community. How to make these two groups have more diverse understanding and in-depth exchange? British Council has done many attempts to this end. The British Council, which has long been dedicated to bridging the cultures of China and Britain, has provided a wide range of support for the cooperation of artists, curators and art institutions. Because of such a nonprofit institution, major exhibitions such as Turner Show, Sound Show, Aftershock: British Contemporary Art Exhibition, etc. were successfully exhibited in China Similarly, because of such institutions, the popularization of culture and arts in both China and the United Kingdom has become more and more widespread, and the form of artistic exchange has become more diverse. Based on this, we interviewed the first secretary (culture) of the British Embassy in China and Mr. Neil Webb, art director of British Council China.