目的 掌握新形势、新情况下出现新发传染病——传染性非典型肺炎的疫情报告,有效管理好传染源和密切接触者。方法 采取日报告制度与“零”报告制度,坚持每天上报疫情,随时下科室进行流病学调查,加强传染源、密切接触者的监控。结果 疫情报告及时、准确,57例确诊和疑似非典患者,无一例漏报、瞒报、缓报。住院37例患者转归清楚,无违反《传染病防治法》现象发生。结论 传染性非典型肺炎疫情管理效果明显。
Objective To grasp the new situation and report new outbreaks of infectious diseases - SARS outbreak under new circumstances so as to effectively manage sources of infection and close contacts. Methods The daily reporting system and the “zero” reporting system were adopted. The epidemic was insisted on daily reporting and epidemiological investigation was carried out in all departments at any time to strengthen the monitoring of sources of infection and close contacts. Results The epidemic report was timely and accurate, and 57 patients with confirmed and suspected SARS were without any omission, concealment or delay. 37 cases of hospitalized patients clear, no violation of the “Law of Infectious Diseases” phenomenon. Conclusion The outbreak of SARS has obvious effect.