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经济全球化进程不断加快的情况下,我国与国际的沟通、交流越加频繁。这就使得我国对英语人才的需求提高。为了培养更多优秀的英语人才,应当在英语教学中引导学生探究正确的、适合的学习方法,如此可以使学生英语综合应用能力不断提高。基于此,应当在英语课堂之中鼓励、引导学生进行英语文学作品阅读与欣赏,使学生可以更好的学习英语这门课程。本文将以中学英语学习为例,就如何在中学英语学习中进行英语文学作品阅读与欣赏进行分析和探讨。 With the process of economic globalization accelerating, our country has more frequent exchanges and exchanges with the rest of the world. This makes our country’s demand for English talents to improve. In order to train more excellent English talents, students should be guided to explore correct and suitable learning methods in English teaching so as to improve students’ ability to use English comprehensively. Based on this, we should encourage and guide students to read and appreciate English literature in English classes, so that students can better learn the English course. This article will take middle school English as an example to analyze and discuss how to read and appreciate English literature in middle school English study.
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1969年10月,美国总统尼克松(Richard Nixon)指示参谋长联席会议(JCS),命令最高司令部采取一些军事行动:这些行动能够向莫斯科传达美国核武器的备战状态在不断升级的信息,但是
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1 大黄酮用途大黄始载于《本经》谓其”下瘀血 ,血闭[1] 寒热 ,破疟瘕积聚 ,荡涤肠胃 ,推陈致新 ,通利水谷 ,调中化食 ,安和五脏”大黄有较强的泻下攻积作用 ,泻下实热 ,宣
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
1=c詈中速颂扬地(争5堕§一卜壶塑6一卜王塑5醴{i…)厂、3 1 6 5 5有 一种爱,有 一种爱, /-、7 6 5 5铺过 来飘过 来1 7中华指引2党党3 3覆盖超越6 3民族我们厂、2 3 ——的