礁膜(Monostroma nitidum Wittrock)是石莼目礁膜科的一种绿藻。喜生长在内湾温暖的浅海水域。日本的三重、爱知、爱嫒、德岛、高知、静冈县沿海均有养殖。年产干品1,500吨。伊势湾一带渔民把紫菜称为黑紫菜,礁膜称作绿紫菜,后者在日本紫菜养殖业中占有一定地位。日本礁膜的自然种群有河口型和内湾型之分。河口型分布在低盐海区,叶片基部放射状,12月至4月是生长繁盛期,3至4月成熟。藻体柔软,产品质量好,可以
Monostroma nitidum Wittrock is a green algae belonging to the Palaeozoa of the Shijingshan Reef. Like to grow in the shallow warm waters of the bay. Japan’s triple, Aichi, Ai 嫒, Tokushima, Kochi, Shizuoka Prefecture have farming along the coast. An annual output of 1,500 tons of dry goods. The fishermen in Ise Bay refer to seaweed as black seaweed and the reef film as green seaweed, which occupies a certain position in Japanese seaweed farming. The natural populations of Japanese reef membranes are of the estuary type and the inland type. Estuary distribution in the low salt sea area, the radial base of the leaves, December to April is a prosperous period, March to April mature. Soft algae, product quality, you can