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  The Belt and Road Initiative represents the world's greatest endeavor to promote livelihood. Let me lustrate the conclusion with three stories. My first story happened in my trip to Pakistan. The Pakistani people greeted and hugged us, and took group photos with us very cordially. At the sight of the scene, a proud sense of being Chinese flooded over me all of a sudden. Back in the 1960s, China ever lent Pakistan a hand with the construction ofKarakoram Highway from Kashgar of Xinjiang toIslamabad of Pakistan. Just imagine how many difficulties we met then to build the road at an altitude of several thousand meters! Pakistani people who are deeply touched by China’s friendly aid said China-Pakistan friendship is as high as the Himalayas and as deep as the IndianOcean. And with the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China-Pakistan friendship will grow more than honey sweet and steely fim, they believe. Therefore, the Belt and Road Initiative is to offer a beacon of hope to everyone across the globe. Needless to say, the Initiative involves more than foreign aid by China- it brings reciprocating benefits betweenChina and other countries along the Belt andRoad. Chinese firms with large production capacity, by operating in the B&R countries, will not only create a great number of local jobs but also gain handsome profits. This embodies the purpose of the Belt and Road Initiative which is to foster new growth poles for other countries along the routes and facilitate the sustainable economic development of China.   My second story happened during our investigation trip to Africa. As we all know, the continent still has a population of more than 500 million without access to electricity. Previously, iPhone was the first choice ofAfrican buyers. However, they had to go to town to charge the power -consuming phones every two or three days, not to mention the expensive price. Later, Tecno made its foray into Africa, and soon found favor withAfrican buyers for its days -long standby time, much cheaper price than iPhone, multi-SIMand multi-standby function and camera with whitening function. Infrastructure connectivity is the key to the Belt and Road Initiative. That’s why we are dedicated to the construction of the three networks consisting of the expressway network, high- speed railway network, regional airline network, and to the infrastructure industrialization across Africa. By doing so,Africa has boarded the fast train of the Belt andRoad Initiative. Today, African people visit China no longer for our aid but also for investment attraction. And it's not hard to see that Africa is learning from China who has succeeded in shaking off poverty through reform and opening- up. "No road, no economic growth.No expressway, no economic leap-forward.No network, no economic take - -off." Now, thisChinese jingle is all the rage in Africa. Africa, a land of hope, is first in the line for China’s partners on the Belt and Road Initiative.
  My third story, well then, happened inChina. Maybe it is stating the obvious, but the ancient Silk Road did bring us tomato, pomegranate and pepper. Now then, what changes have today's Belt and Road brought to us? As we all know, air freight is expensive, and the mass transport by sea takes days. But, since the opening of China Railway Express (CR express), things have changed, and Chinese people have enjoyed more convenience. Take Zhengzhou, one of CR express's destinations 一to our surprise, the imported beer from Germany and Belgium in the supermarkets here is sold at a lower price than in its countries of origin. That's becauseZhengzhou's supermarkets can purchase imported beer directly from CR express's logistics center at a wholesale price, while inEurope, you have to buy the beer at a retail price. In addition, today, you can find lots ofbars in Zhengzhou as funky as those in Beijing’s Houhai (best known for its nightlife with manyrestaurants, bars, and cafes), and more foreigners living and working here. Zhengzhou people are enjoying more and more benefits brought by theInitiative. Therefore, the Belt and Road Initiative has delivered benefits to people in both China and other countries along the routes.
  All makes the Belt and Road Initiative the world's greatest endeavor to promote livelihood.With a focus on real economy, infrastructure and livelihood, the Belt and Road Initiative will offermore possibilities to developing countries along the routes for "corner overtaking", thus providing a beacon of hope for the world. This will not onlyshow the world how we China is recognized asa responsible country on the international stage, but also present China lots of opportunities for economic development. To serve the interests of people in and beyond the B&R countries is the very essence of the Belt and Road Initiative.
构建人类命运共同体,是新时代中国主动参与全球治理变革的顶层设计。两年前开业的亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称“亚投行”),是构建人类命运共同体的新平台、新机制。  二战后,曾有多家多边开发银行聲称是帮助发展中国家发展而建立,但实际上的投资业务并未与目标相契合。而后成立的亚投行集中资源投资发展中国家的基础设施,以务实、开放、创新的姿态,为改善全球治理注入一股清风。  相比商业银行,由于有成员政府强有力的支
8月,已经进入雨季的巴基斯坦被一种湿热裹挟着,凌空高照的烈日肆无忌惮地炙烤着每一寸土地,拉合尔市上百年的火车站里,斑驳屋顶上的吊扇有气无力地打转,却并未给往来的人们带来一丝凉意。远方隐隐传来汽笛声,一辆绿皮火车带着阵热浪和车尾的黄沙缓缓停靠在了站台。顷刻间,人流从车厢涌出,叫嚷声、催促声、轰鸣声为这座原本就热闹的车站又增添了一重喧嚣。  “线路建成以后,既有的平交道口将全部封闭,现有的行包通道以后
1月24日,第二屆“一带一路达沃斯论坛”在瑞士达沃斯举行。多国政府官员参加了“一带一路达沃斯论坛”,与会代表纷纷表示,“一带一路”倡议推动沿线国家合作,有利于促进地区发展。  朝格特巴特尔:蒙古国外长  “一带一路”倡议符合蒙古利益,有利于促进自由贸易和经济增长,有助于维护欧亚地区和平与稳定,为发展奠定更好基础。  阿西夫:巴基斯坦外校部长  目前保护主义和贸易壁垒妨碍全球贸易继续增长,互联互通的
随着对外开放水平的不断提高,各国人民之间的交往空前活跃,每个人都可能成为人文交流的使者。  加强和改进中外人文交流,要使人民成为交流的主体。人文交流是一项人民的事业,主体是人民,目的也是為了人民。要充分调动中央与地方、政府与社会两个积极性,通过体制机制改革创新为民众和社会力量积极参与人文交流创造条件、提供保障。要着力推动人文交流理念深入人心,引导广大民众、华侨华人、留学生等积极参与人文交流,引导中
第三方市場合作就是将中国的中端制造能力同发达国家的高端技术、先进理念结合起来,为第三国提供高水平、高性价比、更具竞争力的产品和服务,实现“三方共赢”。  两年多来,我国与相关国家开展第三方市场合作实现了良好开局。我国与法国、韩国、德国、英国、加拿大等10多个发达国家达成第三方市场合作的共识,聚焦基础设施、能源、环保、金融等优势互补领域,开展了机制化的合作,在一系列重大项目上取得了务实成果。  经过
中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司高级工程师,现任中铁二二院成都公司副总经理兼总工程师,曾任巴基斯坦铁路项且指挥部常务副指挥长,兰渝铁路、川藏铁路等项且的总体设计负责人  摘要:本文在分析巴基斯坦铁路现代化必要性的基础上,建议充分利用中国铁路发展的经验、资金及规划、设计、施工和运营等建设力量,提出了巴基斯坦铁路现代化发展的目标及实施方案,以加快中巴经济走廊建设,实现中巴两国全方位的互联互通、多元化的互利
《丝绸之路全史》  作者:武斌  本书以国内外所藏考古文獻资料为基础,全方位地展示了陆海丝绸之路上丝绸、玉石、陶瓷、香料、茶叶等物品交换情况和丝绸之路上宗教文化、饮食文化、服饰文化和音乐舞蹈的传播与交流情况,为读者展示了丝绸之路的全貌。全书图文并茂,采用历史文献与考古资料、神话、传说相结合的方式,内容丰富,所涉及的时代久远、地理范围广阔,具有很高的学术价值。  《筚路蓝缕——纪工程决策建设记述》 
十九大报告立意高远、视野开阔、思想深邃、大气磅礴,体现了对共产党执政规律、中国特色社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律认识的新高度,体现了对历史负责、对党和国家负责、对人民负责的责任担当,通篇闪耀着马克思主义理论光辉,是我们党迈向新时代、开启新征程、续写新篇章的政治宣言和行动纲领。  学习贯彻党的十九大精神,要深刻领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和基本方略。要深刻领会精神实质和丰富内涵,用习近平
摘要:本文通过对中国铁路技术海外推广进行态势分析,阐述中国铁路技术海外推广面临的机遇和挑战,给出迎接挑战的策略。  Abstract: By anglicizing the state in Overseas Promotion of China Railway Survey &Design Technology, this paper expounds the challenges and op