刑事责任是犯罪的法律后果,国家的刑事责任也是国家对其国际犯罪法律后果的承担。但国家作为刑事责任主体不同于刑法传统意义上的一般主体,因此,对其研究就有较重要的意义。 关于国家承担刑事责任的有关学说及简要评析 关于国家是否能承担国际刑事责任以及如何承担刑事责任的问题在国际刑法理论上有如下几种学说: (一) 否定说:认为国家不承担其国际犯罪的刑事责任。根据其理由不同,又可分为两种观点:其一,认为国家不承担刑事责任的原因是由于国家不能成为国际犯罪主体,理由如下:(1)国际不法行为不是一种罪行,因为犯有国际不法行为的国家作为一个主权者,不可能受任何惩罚。国际法
Criminal liability is the legal consequence of crime, and the criminal responsibility of the state is also the state’s commitment to the legal consequences of its international crimes. However, as the main body of criminal responsibility, the state is different from the general subject in the traditional sense of criminal law. Therefore, it is of great significance to its research. On the State to bear the criminal responsibility theory and a brief analysis on whether the country can assume international criminal responsibility and how to bear the criminal responsibility in the theory of international criminal law, there are several theories as follows: (a) denied that: that the state does not assume its international crime Criminal responsibility According to their different reasons, they can be divided into two kinds of views: First, the reason why the state does not assume criminal responsibility is because the state can not become the subject of international crimes for the following reasons: (1) The internationally wrongful act is not a crime because it As a sovereign State, internationally wrongful acts can not be punished by any means. international law