Hypoglycemia is a rare manifestation of bacterial sepsis. In this paper, 9 cases of severe sepsis caused by different bacteria are reported with significant hypoglycemia, reminding people that hypoglycemia can be used as a kind of sepsis Clinical manifestations. In 9 cases of sepsis, except for 1 case, the 6-month-old infant was 21-73 years old. 5 males and 4 females. In addition to 1 infant, 8 cases of primary disease ranging in severity, including 5 cases of alcoholism (including 2 cases of cirrhosis and 1 case of lung adenocarcinoma); hypersplenism, suspected systemic lupus erythematosus and Chronic renal insufficiency for dialysis treatment in 1 case. 9 cases of clinical diagnosis of sepsis in 3 cases; 4 cases of pneumonia; cellulitis in 2 cases. Blood culture isolated the following pathogens: Streptococcus pneumoniae in 3 cases; B 2 cases of Haemophilus influenzae; Streptococcus pyogenes, group B meningococci and Escherichia coli in 1 case. 9 cases were metabolic