深圳经济特区从创建到发展走过了10年的历程。10年之中,商业体制改革闯出了一条与内地不同的道路。在特区成立10周年之际,回顾商业管理体制和经营机制的变化,总结经验,研究今后进一步推动商业发展的措施和方针,对于今后10年特区经济的发展,有着重要的意义。一、深圳商业的基本状况和特征推动深圳商业发展的原动力是中央给予特区的特殊政策。它使特区商业贸易活动一开始就打破了原有计划经济模式中流通领域条块分割、三级批发的呆板格局,开创了多种经济成份、多种经营方式、多条流通渠道并行的少环节、开放式新局面。由于受计划机制制约少,企业有较大经营自主权,活力不断增加,深圳商业贸易活动取得长足发展。深圳商业有以下几个特征: (一)三种市场要素并存。深圳的地理位置决定了其商品市场处于国际、国内和深圳本身三种市场因素并存的状况。由于采取鼓励外资的政策,海
The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has gone through a 10-year history from its establishment to its development. In the past 10 years, the reform of the commercial system has created a different path from the mainland. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Special Administrative Region, reviewing changes in business management systems and operating mechanisms, summing up experiences, and studying measures and guidelines for further promoting business development in the future will be of great significance to the economic development of the SAR in the next 10 years. I. The basic conditions and characteristics of Shenzhen’s commerce The driving force behind the commercial development of Shenzhen is the special policy of the central government for the SAR. It broke the original rigid structure of the distribution sector and the three-tiered wholesale in the original planned economic model at the very beginning of the commercial trade activities of the SAR, and created a few links of multiple economic components, multiple operating methods, and multiple circulation channels. Open and new situation. Due to the lack of restrictions by the planning mechanism, enterprises have greater operational autonomy, and their vitality continues to increase. Shenzhen’s commercial trade activities have achieved considerable development. Shenzhen commerce has the following characteristics: (A) The three market elements coexist. The geographical location of Shenzhen determines the coexistence of its three market factors in the international, domestic and Shenzhen markets. Because of the policy of encouraging foreign investment, the